Thursday, November 19, 2009

Saw "Before I Self Destruct"

Saw "BEFORE I SELF DESTRUCT" yesterday and thought it was an interesting piece. Not really what I had thought that it was going to be, anticipating from the commercials and trailers before hand and I mean that in a good way because I feel they poorly mis-represented it and it greatly exceeded my expectations. I mean it was no masterpiece I would say, but it was so different. Not like any ordinary film youve seen before. It definitely stands out not just by having its own look and it is a good look for and from 50. Speaking of looks, Im gonna go on record and say he had "THE BADDEST !" girls casted into this film. They were EXTREMELY gorgeous and so beautiful I coudnt help but to repeatedly comment on their astounding beauty and in comparison to other films Ive seen in my life. Ive definitely found myself attracted to some actresses in the game from time to time, but in this one, I was like "DAMN! SHE'S BAAAAAAAD!". I couldnt help but to keep commenting on this and ive never seen and responded in this way to a film before. Youll defintiely like the eye candy and he did defintiely take it to the Candy Shop on this 1folks. He has the baddest girls and actresses ive seen in a film to date, thats for sure if anything else. It doesnt sugar coat things either, going into the script which 50 wrote in this directorial debut of his, there are no typical storylines developed here. The violence and the lifestyle being promoted throuhg out the film is a bit much, but thats just what makes it unique and effective and I think 50 knew that when approaching this project. I think the soundtrack could have better used throuhg out the course of the film as far as when certain music was played and utilized however, im sure with 50's music background that may have affected some of his decision choices on the vibe he would be creating, with his music in this project which im sure he wants to promote and have connect with the album too. Clifton Powell did some of his best work to me in this and I would say if nothing else its worth just watching just for that. Him and 50 vibe well together on the screen. And so did the leading lady with 5th as well and their scenes are WELL WORTH it and I think more interesting than some of his work in "Get Rich Or Die Trying" his 1st acting debut in the picture that made him in Hollywood based of his own personal life stories and titled after his 1st mainstream album release under Eminem and Dr. Dre of the same title.
Last night I also saw 50 On Jimmy Kimmel Live last night too promoting the new album/Dvd and Jimmy Kimmel also liked it and thought that 50 did a good job. Even my brother who is not really into rap music and I referred to see it said he actually liked the picture and is watching it over now as we speak. Definitely a classic film, in its own right, right ?.good lokks Fitty.

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